Union County Chamber offers a wonderful Farmers Market that features our locally grown vegetables, fruits, flowers and more! Located on East Davie St in downtown Anna.
The Union County Chamber of Commerce July 7, 2022 Luncheon will be held at The Kitchen on Lafayette and Tiffany George with Southern 5 Regional Planning District and Development Commission will be speaking. Noon - 1PM Menu - Italian Chicken Sandwich or Salad - Payable directly to The Kitchen on Lafayette. Click HERE to RSVP
Led by Tom Caldwell to discuss two short stories that you read in advance and eat pizza. The short story to be discussed on July 18 is “EPICAC” by Kurt Vonnegut - retrieve the short story at http://newmediaabington.pbworks.com/f/vonnegut_EPICAC.pdf “Who Am I This Time?” by Kurt Vonnegut - retrieve the short story at https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnx3cGhzaXJwcm9qZWN0fGd4OjY3NzZmYjI0YzhlODNkMjk . Everyone is asked to bring their favorite drink and […]
Larry is a prolific photographer who is a landscape and streetscape photographer. The focus of his work is outdoors in small towns, state parks, and historic districts. Ø Larry’s most notable photo to date is one he took of the Mississippi River that was selected to be used on a USPS forever stamp. This stamp is […]
The Union County Chamber of Commerce August 4, 2022 Luncheon will be held at Old Route 51 South BBQ and Shawna Rhine with Southern 7 Health Department will be speaking. Click HERE to register! Noon - 1PM Order from the menu and payable directly to Old Route 51 South BBQ. Old Route 51 South BBQ […]
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